I called my Grandma yesterday. She is 92. During this time I think of her a lot and all I have learned by watching her throughout the years. So maybe today, we could all learn a little from our Grandmas. Let me tell you a little about mine:
She washes tin foil and Ziploc bags and reuses them. She is outside in her garden 🌸 most days and only goes into town if she has to. She finally stopped climbing her fruit trees (or she could just be telling us that to make us feel better). She buys things with cash and never has had a mortgage. She loves to read. She makes one pot of coffee and uses it for a couple days. She will even water her coffee down to make it last longer. She bakes the best bread 🍞 and always seems to have a pot of beans on the stove. She washes her hair once a week. She lost her parents young and tears up talking about them. She doesn’t sit still well and tells me that in today’s world she doesn’t know why kids moving around a lot is considered a bad thing. She says people that sit still get “old quick.” She will tell you that a lot of well-educated people, well they sure don’t seem to be too smart when it comes to the real world. She cries in most phone conversations and always tells you how she is the luckiest grandma in the world.
She is from a generation that knows what it is like to have very little. She is from a generation that wastes very little. She is from a generation that needs very little.
During this time we are taking a lot of pride as a family in striving to be more like grandma. We are enjoying our 10 acres 🌳 when we know many do not have that privilege. We are reading 📖 . We are getting creative with foods in the freezer and pantry. We are serving ourselves less. We are sharing our food scraps with our chickens 🐓 and thanking them for their eggs🥚(she calls her chickens her chickies and they often follow her around as she works in her garden). We are appreciating simplicity.
So thank you Grandma for being you. Maybe we will be so lucky 🍀 to become a little more like you through all of this. I mean we haven’t started to wash the tinfoil yet but well today just might be the day.

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Wow! You look just like your grandma! I appreciate your story and it makes me think of my grandma that I called Nanny.