6 06, 2020

Fun, Simple and Healthy Family Dinner Ideas

By |2020-06-07T19:08:48-07:00June 6th, 2020|Categories: Family, Food, Health & Weight Loss, Recipes, Tips & Tricks|Comments Off on Fun, Simple and Healthy Family Dinner Ideas

Are you looking for simple, healthy and fun family dinner ideas? Join the club! I know many of you are sick of cooking. I am hoping a few of these can inspire you, but also encourage you to simplify and make it fun. Breaking our nights into themes really helps our family come up with ideas and joining in the preparation. Also, don’t be afraid to just take the night off sometimes. Seriously, just make a PBJ for everyone and call it good. You need a break! Your family will not care, and you will be a happier, more relaxed [...]

6 06, 2020

Secrets to a Successful Family Photo Shoot

By |2020-06-07T19:09:47-07:00June 6th, 2020|Categories: Event, Family, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Secrets to a Successful Family Photo Shoot

We are thrilled to announce that Baby Lucas #6 will be arriving in early November (11/6/20 to be exact, another reason to love the number 6). We decided on a family photo shoot to celebrate the big news! I am often asked about how to we manage to have a a successful family photo shoot. Today I will share some background about this particular shoot, plus some tips and tricks to make your next photo shoot memorable and less stressful. Our recent photo shoot was staged in Tacoma, Washington. The location is called Opera Alley and it could not have [...]

5 06, 2020

Life Lessons from Grandma

By |2020-06-07T19:17:14-07:00June 5th, 2020|Categories: Family, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , |1 Comment

I called my Grandma yesterday. She is 92. During this time I think of her a lot and all I have learned by watching her throughout the years. So maybe today, we could all learn a little from our Grandmas. Let me tell you a little about mine: She washes tin foil and Ziploc bags and reuses them. She is outside in her garden 🌸 most days and only goes into town if she has to. She finally stopped climbing her fruit trees (or she could just be telling us that to make us feel better). She buys things with [...]

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