Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast
Episode 3: Bold Family: Kristi’s Story of Foster Care, Adoption and Becoming a Biological Mom

Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast Episode 3 is live!

Kristi is not your average mom. At the young age of 29, she has been a foster mom, adoptive mom and recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She and her husband are currently in the final stages of adopting their 14 year old daughter and 9 year old son and we could not be more thrilled. Today she shares her beautiful story with us. She reminds us to celebrate “motherhood” and “children” beyond stereotypes.

Kristi is also my little sister. My parents divorced when I was young and both remarried. I was blessed to have four siblings be born in the years to come. Divorce is not ideal, however due to my parents’ divorce my family grew in such beautiful ways. A reminder to us all that life can look different than we had planned, but it also can be way more beautiful than we had planned too.

Kristi was born when I was 10 years old. Often I hear concerns about children being too far apart in age. I will tell you that yes that it is a different relationship than if you are only 2-3 years apart. However, I can reassure you that I would not change this relationship for anything. Currently I am pregnant with our 6th and my daughter Emme Lou is 10. It makes me tear up thinking about when Kristi was born…

I know her story will leave you inspired and hopeful-something we could all use right now. She also gives some great advice on how we can help support the foster care community. Take a listen to episode 3 of Living Your Big Bold Life today! The world needs you!

A new Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast Episode will be released every Tuesday!