Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast
Episode 7: How a Busy Mom of Three Lost over 50lbs and Ran Her First Half-marathon in One Year

Mandie’s Story

I was always active as a kid and never worried about my weight or what I ate. Over the years, the weight slowly piled on. I thought it was just part of getting older and having babies. By the time I was almost 40, I got on the scales and realized I was obese. That was a real eye opener.

Over the next several months I started trying to find something that would work for me. In Bett’s Motivate With My Betty Lu Facebook Group, I found answers! I heard about the concept of eating Fab Four (protein, fat, fiber, and greens) from the book “Body Love” by Kelly Leveque. Eating these things kept my insulin levels and hunger hormones in check and I was finding I wasn’t hungry all the time, hallelujah! This led to me delaying my breakfast later and later until sometimes I wasn’t eating it until noon. Then I would eat my lunch around 3 and spoil my dinner. I soon realized that I was actually intermittent fasting(IF). After researching the benefits of IF I thought this was a great fit for me. I’ve never been a big breakfast eater and taking that out of my routine freed up a lot of time.

During this time I also learned a lot about reading labels, choosing food with the least ingredients. Avoiding sugar, inflammatory oils, low-fat or non-fat foods, GMO, foods treated with pesticides, etc. Choosing meats that are free-range, grass fed, not treated with hormones. Making sure I am getting the nutrients my body needs to be healthy. I honestly believe our food is our medicine and my new doctor was shocked when I told her I take no medications. Apparently that is rare these days.

By July 2019 I reached my goal of losing 50 pounds. During this time, I was doing a lot of walking for exercise  and slowly worked my way up to a light jog. When I started I could barely run 5 minutes without stopping. With my newfound confidence and energy levels, I set a goal to run a half marathon in December 2019. When I registered, I fully expected I’d never go through with it, but I completed it and immediately signed up for another one. I completed my second half marathon in May 2020 and I am currently training for my first full marathon in October 2020 with the confidence that I can do anything I set my mind (if I put in the work).

I have stayed at my goal weight for one year (fluctuating a few pounds up or down.) I wish I had discovered IF much sooner and I must add that I feel much better in my 40s than I ever did on my 30s!

Can you relate to Mandie’s journey? Do you need some extra encouragement and motivation on your health journey? Join Motivate with My Betty Lu Private Facebook Group!

A new Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast Episode will be released every Tuesday!