Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast
Episode 4: How Do I Start Intermittent Fasting? Plus, Answers To The Most Common Intermittent Fasting Questions.

I want to start Intermittent Fasting. What is the best way to start?

Step 1: Ask yourself what is easier to cut, breakfast or dinner? Cut that.

Step 2: Start with 16:8. That means fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours. Sleeping counts. I use the zero app for tracking.

Step 3: Don’t change much else from your usual eating routine in the short term but try to focus on foods that serve your body best! I try to keep away from fast food, packaged/processed foods and eat lots of protein. Sure there are times I choose to indulge, but I try to always go back to what foods serve my body best.

Step 4: When you are clean fasting you can only have coffee, water, unflavored tea and unflavored sparkling water.

Step 5: If needed and in time you can grow your fasting window, examples being 18:6, 20:4. The first number is your fasting time and the second is your eating time. You don’t need to rush into having a bigger window.

Step 6: Be patient, edit your plan and then edit some more. What works for someone might not work for you. Results will not be fast but they LAST. This is NOT a diet with short term, seesawing results. But you must be patient.

Step 7: Take pictures and measurements. Often measurements will change even when the scale does not. You will find the comparisons amazing and motivating.

Step 8: Seek out a community to support you. Want more fasting guidance and other health motivation? Join our private Facebook group Motivate with My Betty Lu.

Part 2: Answers To The Most Common Intermittent Fasting Questions

Below I share some in brief, but in podcast episode #4 I share in more detail.

-What should I eat in my “window?”

I try to focus on protein, fat and greens. I love the fab four concept that was promoted by Kelly Leveque in her book Body Love. She really encourages you to not snack between meals and focus on what you can eat, not what you can’t.

-What fasting app do I use and recommend?

I love the Zero App.

-How do I manage fasting in professional settings?

In many ways it is easier. I can focus on drinking some hot water and coffee, while others focus on eating. If people ask me about it, I am honest. I tell them I practice intermittent fasting, which means I eat in an eating window and right now my window is not open. I am so surprised how many people are extremely interested and ask me more questions.

-How do I manage fasting when I travel for work?

Fasting while traveling for work makes work travel so simple. I used to think snacks were essential. Now I just get my Americano (a coffee drink that is espresso and hot water), some sparkling water and I am on my way.

-How do I manage fasting while on vacation?

I choose to either stick to my fasting, widen my window or just refrain from fasting all together. This lifestyle is super flexible!

-Can I still work out and fast intermittently?

Yes! I often worked out in a fasted state. If you are just starting intermittent fasting, maybe do not start a new workout routine at the same time. If you have been regularly working out prior to starting intermittent fasting, you can choose to maintain your workout routine or adjust to what works best for you.

-Can I drink flavored water while fasting?

Nope. However you can have black coffee, water, sparkling water (unflavored) and black or green tea (unflavored).

-How do I handle fasting in front of my kids?

I am honest. I tell them I am no longer growing, so my body needs less food. They are still growing so they need more food. I also share that I might have had a really big lunch (true) and therefore I do not need to eat dinner.

-What if I blow it?

Tomorrow is a new day.

-Is it normal to be hungrier on some days and less on others?

Yes!!! In fact that is why I dislike calorie counting. It is normal for some days our bodies to be more hungry and other days for it to be less hungry. As you fast you will continue to become more and more in tune with your body. Many people enjoy this book by Dr. Bert Herring called AC: The Power of Appetite Correction.

My other favorite fasting books are:

Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung
Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens
Delay Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens

Listen every Tuesday to Living Your Big Bold Life Podcast for discussion on fasting and more!

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